PC Repairs
We offer professional on-site repairs on both Desktop and Laptop computers. We will inspect your computer and give it a thorough diagnostic to give you an accurate FREE estimate.
We try to complete most on-site repairs in 3 hours. Any repair taking longer than 3 hours our technicians may request to take your computer back to our shop for repair. Most in-shop repairs are completed within 24-48 hours unless a part(s) needs to be ordered to complete the repair. We will always keep you informed of any delays and how long it will take to professionally repair your computer.
Computer and Laptop Services:
- PC Crashing or Freezing
- Faulty Software
- Virus or Spyware Problems
- Internet Problems
- Retrieval of Lost Data
- Password Recovery
- Upgrading Hardware on PC and Laptops
- Laptop Screen Replacement
- PC not Booting or Blue Screen
- Training in Computer Use
- New PC Installations
- Setting Up a Network
Free PC Diagnostics
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